A priest sees God in every human being, A dancer sees dance in every living thing in nature and a businessman sees everything in the world is a giving and taking, thus everything is an exchange of something and hence everything is a business period.
We are looking at the world through a filter and complaining that there is no good in society. This filter is an impact of society on all of us. A part of this is also due to the people we surround ourselves with us.
There is no mere correct or wrong. Everyone has their own perspective and think that their perspective is correct and others perspective is wrong. It is based upon the values and metrics we set ourselves.
Let me give you an example to illustrate this, Some of us use cracked software, it may be Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Windows, or any of your personal preferences and we say robbing a bank is not correct, if stealing is wrong then what are we doing?
You can only make judgments if you look through one perspective. You cannot make a judgment if you have everyone’s perspective. If you think about the situation being in other people’s shoes, at some point in time you may feel that the other person is right from their end. Looking through everyone’s perspective will make you feel relaxed.